Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with the Wards......

We celebrated Christmas a little early with Jeff's family since we flew out to Seattle for most of the week. Here are some photos.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Claus and Paws!

On Saturday we took Delaney to Claus and Paws at Zoo Boise. She got to see the monkeys and their new giraffe. They had Santa Claus set up, so she got to meet him for the first time (see picture). Then Uncle Brett joined us while we checked out the other animals. Delaney decided that was enough and took a nap for the rest of the trip! It was too much fun!

Later we joined friends Jason and Janice who just moved from Denver to Nampa with their little girl Marleigh. Marleigh just turned 1 in October, so Delaney had a ball playing with her! Then a little later, Jerry and Kerrie (sp?) stopped by with their daughter, also a Marleigh, who is 10 months old. They all had so much fun. Sorry I forgot to take pictures, maybe another time!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Two Teeth!

Delaney has another "chomper" on the way in. The second one came up quicker than the first one. She likes to show them off and "chomp" with her jaw. It is hilarious!
I will post more pictures soon!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two Babies?

On Sunday, Delaney got a visit from a friend. My friend Allison was so very kind to go pick up the stranded husbands when Jeff's motor home broke down on the way home from Moscow. So I watched her little boy, Mason. He is almost six months now!

I don't know how people do it with two, especially twins. They both wanted held at the same time, fed at the same time, etc. Needless to say, I was exhausted by the end of the day! But he is such a sweet baby, it was worth it!

Here are some pictures from our day!

Monday, November 3, 2008

First Tooth!

Delaney's first tooth is on its way out! I guess she was a grump at daycare all day and refused to take a nap. I checked out her gums because they were a little raw yesterday and sure enough, a tooth is coming through. Poor thing went straight to sleep after we got home!

We will post a picture when it comes through (this may take awhile).

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We have a crawler!

She started crawling around...well army crawling anyway. Enjoy the video!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Preview.....

As previously mentioned, I chose a "Luck be a Ladybug" costume for Delaney to wear for her first Halloween! Here is a picture!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Any day now!

Any day now we are going to see Delaney crawl. We are so excited to witness this milestone. She gets down on all fours and rocks like she is going to do it, then she backs up. Such a silly girl.
We spent last weekend in Seattle for a whirlwind trip, it was so nice to see everyone!
This last Saturday we spent the evening at the Gaskins, where we watched the football game and Delaney wore herself out playing with Neisha! See sidebar for picture.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Headed to Sea-Town....

Delaney and I are headed off to Seattle next weekend. We are going to make a family visit and we are throwing my brother Andy and his wife Heidi a baby shower. Their baby Landon is due in January. We are so excited for them and wish them the best. We will see everyone soon!

6 Month Well Baby Visit!

Delaney had her six month well baby visit on Friday. She got her DTap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis), Polio, Hep B, Prevnar (Pneumococcal), Rota Tep (Rotavirus), Hib, and Flu #1 shots. My goodness there are so many when you list them out!

Here are her latest stats:
Weight: 14 lbs. 12 oz. (25th percentile)
Length: 24 1/2 inches (10th percentile)
Head: 41.5 cm (25th percentile)

She is obviously short, which we hear from everyone. But look at Jeff and I? Did anyone really think she was going to be tall? She is destined to be little! Her doctor said she is perfect, but we already knew that. She is beginning to do things earlier than normal, some of her motor and developmental skills are that of a 9 month old. So apparently she is pretty smart, I will take smart over tall any day!

She spent Saturday sleeping the day away. She is normally not a napper, but she was only awake for about four hours throughout the day. So we did not get a lot of playing in...maybe tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Such a big girl....

Delaney got a high chair this last weekend. Her bottom was beginning to be a little snug in her Bumbo and she loves to eat her solid foods, so it was inevitable that she would get one soon. She loves it.

You voted....we answered!

So we had many votes for Delaney's First Halloween Costume! Thank you to everyone who voted. We chose a lady bug! Pictures will be coming soon!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Two Firsts!

Delaney had two firsts this last weekend.
#1: She attended her very first Bronco football game and watched the Broncos reign victorious over the Idaho State Bengals. Final Score:49-7
We enjoyed tailgating and made it all the way until 1/2 time. This was a little over bedtime and she was tired!
#2: Delaney and I were running errands on Monday, when we returned and I pulled her out of the car seat she was very hot. She sometimes gets a little warm in there, so I put her in the crib for a nap since she was sleepy. When she woke, she was burning up. We took her temperature and sure enough she was running a fever. Her temperature was 102.8. Since she never had a temperature that high, we called the after hours/holiday nurse at our pedi's office. Apparently she had a "low grade" fever. So we gave her tylenol and waited for the fever to break. Finally around 2:30 AM it did. She woke up soaked. I got her comfortable again and put her to sleep.
Such a long Labor Day Weekend!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008's been a whole month!

Sorry it has been a whole month since I last posted. Delaney is growing so much. She has tried rice cereal and many more "solids": carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, and bananas just to name a few. She is "talking" all the time now. Her little babbles wake us at least once a night. We come to find her just babbling to herself. She also is grabbing for anything and everything within her reach. She is presently sitting in her Bumbo seat on the desk tossing everything onto the floor. What fun!
We are getting excited about football season. It begins this weekend.
In other news, my brother Andy and his wife Heidi found out for sure they were having a little boy today! Landon is due 1/10/09.
I will be flying into Seattle in October to throw a baby shower. So much fun! I am glad that Delaney is going to grow up with a cousin near her age, even if they are apart distance wise!
Today I received a newsletter from her daycare reminding the parents about their Halloween party. Now I have to buy her a cute little costume.
What do you think she should be for her first Halloween?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Four Month Well Baby Visit!

Delaney had her four month visit yesterday with Dr. Archibald. She got five shots again today and did well. She had stopped crying by the time we checked out! We ran into our friends the Dahlberg's and their baby Keaton at the pediatric clinic. My doctor that delivered Delaney, also delivered their baby! He is a busy guy! You can check out their blog below for an update....

Delaney's Four Month Stats:
Weight: 12 lbs. 13oz. (10 lbs. 3.5 oz at 2 months)
Height: 24" (22" at 2 months)
Head circumference: 40 cm (38 cm at 2 months)
Apparently she likes to just go two above whatever her previous appointment was!
She is now in the 25 percentile, so she is running a little smaller than average, but they said most girls fall into that category and she is in line with her previous stats.

Such a big girl now! Dr. Archibald gave us the okay to begin feeding her rice cereal. So we gave it a shot and she loved it. She sucks in the spoon as she is eating, and she ate almost two tablespoons full!

More soon.....

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Here are more pictures and a video.

Delaney is almost four months now! Time has really gone by. She has her four month doctor appointment next week on the 29th. This is a big appointment-more shots and her pediatrician will give me the ok (or not) to start her on rice cereal! What a big girl now!

I am really enjoying my new job at Hawkins Companies. I cannot believe I am already starting my fourth week there tomorrow.

Well we hope you enjoy the pictures and video.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Roll over laughing!

Delaney began two big milestones on Thursday, July 3rd! She began to laugh, a little more than just her normal giggles we have been hearing. Then Thursday night, she began rolling over. Jeff had her on the bed and after weeks of almost rolling over, she actually did it. It is so exciting to see her getting so big, but it also means we are waking up to check on her since she rolls over onto her belly constantly during the night. Last night she rolled over so many times and then managed to pull her arm out of her pjs too!

More pictures will be posted soon!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Congratulations Daddy!!!!

Delaney and I would like to officially congratulate Jeff. He passed his PE exam, so he is officially now a Professional Engineer! We knew you had passed after all of your hard work and studying! Congratulations!

So Big!

Delaney is such a big girl now. She has been so well at holding her head up, we couldn't wait to get her into a Bumbo chair. She is close enough to the three month recommendation and she LOVES it!
We also went today and had her pictures taken for her three month birthday. They will be arriving in your mailboxes shortly!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Exciting News!

I got a new job!

A former co-worker of mine (thank you Marcie!) passed along my name and I am going to begin a new position at Hawkins. I will still be working downtown and still keep my current hours which is fantastic! I am very excited about beginning my new job and cannot wait to see what the future holds!

I have a few more pictures of Delaney, I will post them this weekend!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Delaney has learned how to smack her lips. Yesterday out of nowhere she started smacking her upper lip and we have no idea where she learned this from. It is hilarious. Maybe we will get a video of it or something. During dinner she was smacking away, checking herself out in the mirror on her swing.

I took some great pictures of Delaney over the weekend, but sorry you will have to wait, some of them are a surprise for Fathers' Day!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

More pictures!

We were finally successful in catching some great pictures of her over the weekend. We got a great smile picture and some of her playing around! Hope you enjoy!

Her cold is finally getting better, Jeff is feeling much better, but I am slowly recovering. Other than that everything is going great.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2 Month Check-Up!

Delaney had a big Memorial Weekend. She got her first cold on Sunday thanks to me. I was worried about her contracting something at daycare all last week and who would have thought I would give her the first cold. Jeff was also sick all weekend, so we all spent the weekend cooped up inside with the humidifier. I am feeling better today, but Jeff and Delaney are still feeling sick!

Delaney had her two month check up this morning. She was a little fussy due to her cold and she decided she was hungry right as her appointment was set to begin. But she did well with her shots, and boy did she receive a lot of them: DTap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis), Polio, Hep B, Prevnar (Pneumococcal), Hib (Haemophilus influenzae), and an oral vaccination of Rota Teq (Rotavirus). Just like her mommy she barely cried while she was getting stuck with all the needles.

Here are her current stats:
Weight: 10 lbs. 3.5 oz
Height: 22''
Head Circumference: 38 cm

She ranged in the 50 percentile for her age!

I thought I would post her two week stats for comparison:

April 4, 2008
Weight: 6 lbs. 15.5 oz.
Length: 20''
Head: 35 cm

Also forgot to mention.....she is officially out of her newborn clothes and is comfortably wearing size 0-3 months. Which is great....but it also means she is growing! I will hopefully take and post more pictures soon. She has changed so much in the last few weeks.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baby Mason......

My dear friend Allison and her husband Victor welcomed a new baby boy to their family last weekend. Mason Hawkes Hernandez was born Saturday, May 17th at 11:07 PM. He weighed 7 lbs. and 4 oz. and was 19 inches long. He joins his two big brothers-Zachary and Connor. Jeff and I went to visit them on Sunday and he is absolutely beautiful. He looks a lot like his daddy! Congratulations to the Hernandez Family!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Back at Work.....

I went back to work on Monday. It has not been as bad as I thought it would be, even though I miss Delaney like crazy. My job has changed a little bit since I left, but hopefully it is for the good!

She is doing well establishing her bedtime routine and she goes down about 8 PM and sleeps until 2 AM. Then she eats and promptly goes back to sleep until I wake her up around 6 AM.
Last night she went to bed a little later at 9 PM, but she didn't wake up again until 6 AM. So that was by far the longest stretch she has made. I was shocked that she didn't wake sooner.

That is pretty much all I have to report for now...More later!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ward O Meter

I saw this on Jeff's friend's blog so I thought I would try it out. I don't think she looks like me much, but apparently she does! Enjoy!

Ward Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family history - Old photos

Almost time.....

Well it is almost time for me to return to work. I go back on Monday, May 19th. I have started this week to get up at the time I need to get up at and get ready so I know what my mornings are going to look like. This morning I did a trial run to see what time I need to leave the house by and drive to Jeff's parents where Delaney will go before Grandma Nancy takes her to daycare in the mornings.

Jeff and I went and had drinks on Monday with Laila, Will H, Jason, Shannon, and their little girl Ava and Shannon's mom. It was nice to get out again and have an adult beverage or two!

Delaney had a fussy beginning at bedtime last night. Nothing wrong, just wanted to stay awake as if she was going to miss something. She finally went to bed about 11:30 after both mommy and daddy tried to rock her to sleep. She didn't wake up again until 5:30 when it was time for me to get up anyway.

She is really starting to grow. The size one diapers seem to fit her better now. She smiles and coos back at you when she sees you smile. Her favorite time is when daddy comes home and she "talks" to him about her day. She is still eating well and I am anxious to see how much she weighs at her two month appointment that is scheduled for Tuesday, May27th.

Other exciting news....our camera was shipped out yesterday from the repair center so we will once again be taking pictures! I have added a few more in the meantime.....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I have taken a bunch of new pictures of Delaney and will post them soon-after Mother's Day-that way I will not spoil the surprise!

Delaney is growing so fast. Last Thursday, the morning of our trip she smiled at Jeff for the first time. She has been smiling but mostly during her dreams, so that was very exciting.

She is trying to grow up a little too fast for my taste. She tries to crawl, a little army crawl and scoot on the bed. I am hoping this doesn't mean she is going to start crawling too early, as I enjoy holding her.

She moved into Size One diapers today. It is sad to see how big they are compared to her little newborn diapers. But she is becoming much more alert and is staying awake for most of the day which is nice that I finally get to see her awake.

She was a great little traveler. Jackie, my cousin-in-law gave me the inside scope on traveling with an infant. So I was prepared and glad that she was able to share that information with me as it was very helpful.

Delaney was asleep on the plane the entire trip, until the landing into Seattle when she fussed a little. When we arrived, we were greeted by my sister, Mary who took us to visit her Great Uncle David and Aunt Tammy at work. Then we went to visit Grandma Esther at work. When we finally made it home after lunch with Aunt Mary, Uncle Andy, and Aunt Heidi, everyone was so excited to hold her! Then Grandma Esther and Grandpa Jon were able to see her in the evening.

The next day we were off to Seattle to visit my cousin's wife Jackie and their little boy Grady, who was born in August. He is such a handsome boy! She also met her Great Aunt Karin, and her Great-Grandma Jean and Great-Grandpa Iver. The next day, she met her Great-Grandma Mary, her Great-Grandpa James, and Great Aunt Anna. So may new people to meet!

We hope to visit again after Jeff's birthday in July, so we will see. More great news to come later!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New car....

Jeff and I bought a new car last weekend---a 2008 Toyota Prius. It is such an awesome car and we are looking forward to the cheaper gas bill! I have decided to go back to work next month-May 19th--my birthday to be exact! I am looking forward to returning and not looking forward to leaving her everyday, but I am sure we will survive.

Delaney is taking her first plane ride tomorrow. We are flying up to Seattle to introduce her to my side of the family. We are very excited and I will post pictures after our trip!

Monday, April 21, 2008

First Movie....

Friday night we took Delaney out to her first movie. We went and saw the new Adam Corolla film "The Hammer". It was actually pretty good and is getting great reviews. Before the movie we went out to dinner with a large group of friends and then to the movie. She did great. She was a little fussy at first but then fell asleep and we didn't hear a peep from her the rest of the evening....

On a sad note....I lost my Grandma Presley last week after a short battle with cancer. Delaney and I were hoping to see her one last time when we made it to Seattle in May but she was in pain and could not hold on much longer. We are still planning to make the trip to Seattle the first weekend in May, so we hope to see everyone there!

Next weekend Delaney is going to have her photo taken. If available, I will post some of the pictures soon.

Monday, April 14, 2008

First Bronco Experience......

Delaney attended her first Bronco game on Friday, April 11. Jeff, our friend Bob Ward, and my dad all went to the Blue and Orange Spring Game. It was pretty nice outside so it was perfect. We stayed for almost the entire game and Delaney just slept away. Here are some pictures from her outing.....

Two week appointment.....

Delaney had her two week appointment on Friday April 4. She weighed 6 lbs and 15.5 ounces. Her doctor was a little concerned about her weight so we scheduled a nurse check up for her the following Friday, April 11. At this appointment, her weight went up to 7 lbs. 8 ounces so she gained plenty of weight during that week. She has had a few fussy nights now and she seems to be wide awake from about 8 pm until midnight. So we are going to keep trying to establish some sort of schedule. She was feeding about every 2-3 hours but now sometimes she goes 4 hours without wanting to eat and sometimes she is eating every 1.5 hours.

We found a great daycare for her when I return to work so that is settled which is wonderful not having to worry about that anymore. My parents were in Boise from Monday, April 7 until today when they return home to Seattle. They spent lots of time with Delaney and they will see her again when we return to Seattle the first weekend of May to visit family.....

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First Doctor Appointment....

Delaney had her first doctor appointment yesterday for her one week baby wellness check-up. Her jaundice is gone, but she has lost two ounces. So we need to get some weight on her before her next visit-Friday, April 4th for her two week (yes both appointments in one week). She will have her PKU follow-up at that time.

She has had a few fussy moments in during the nights. I have found that I cannot eat spaghetti sauce or anything heavy on tomato sauce since it seems to upset her tummy. Other than that, nothing new to report. Everything else is going well.

I talked to her doctor and he said to wait until she is at least one month to travel. So everyone back home will need to wait at least a few more weeks until she is okay to travel. Hope all is well with everyone else. I will write more soon.....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We're home......

We are finally home from the hospital. For those that do not know already, here are her stats:

Delaney Reese Ward
4:50 pm 3/23/08
7 lbs. 0 oz.
20 1/2 inches

I went into labor Saturday night around 8 pm with contractions coming about every 15 minutes. Then it sped up to every 7 minutes by 2 am. I called the doctor and let him know. We stayed at home for about another 1 1/2 and decided to head to the hospital. We got into the hospital and got checked in and everything and I was at 5 cm. Since I didn't post Friday after my doctor appointment, I was at 2 cm and 80% effaced Friday morning. Since some can stay there for awhile, I didn't think anything of it.

Back to the labor. I got an epidural around 6 am since I was experiencing back labor and it was getting worse, not to mention I had been awake almost 24 hours at that point and was getting tired. Then I was able to sleep at 2 1/2 hours which was great. Labor started slowing down so I was given Pitocin to help speed things up. I started pushing around 2 pm and wasn't progressing very much. Dr. Hodges came in and we tried some different things to get help progress things along because I was getting very tired. We finally got things going around 4 pm and then she was born!

She is absolutely beautiful and everyone says she looks like Jeff. I posted some pictures on the blog and will post some more on Shutterfly sometime this week, so let me know if you want to be sent those.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to see us at the hospital. We will keep everyone updated....

Love to you all,

Jeff, Rebekah, Delaney (Weiland and Lyla too!)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dr. Appointment 3-12-08......

I went to the doctor today. Nothing much happened. Delaney's heartbeat went down a little, which is normal for this time of pregnancy. She is really messing with my circulation and causing not only my feet to swell but a numbness in my hands and arms, especially my right hand and fingers which makes it a little hard to write and type but I am getting by. I am becoming more and more tired everyday, but heading to bed a little earlier has been a blessing. I don't know what I would do if I was still working late nights and on my feet all day working retail that is for sure.

On Wednesday, a friend of ours also took us out and about downtown Boise for a few pictures which was fun. We hadn't really had our picture taken together since our wedding and that was awhile ago now. She will also took some of Delaney once she arrives.

That's about it otherwise I am just stocking up on things we will need once she is here and "nesting" around the house. My next doctor appointment is: Friday, March 21st. By then I should have another belly picture up...hopefully.......

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5th Dr. Appt.....

My weekly doctor appointments began today. This means the home stretch has begun. I had a gain of almost 5 pounds (up 15.5 pounds total) so I had a nice gain over the last two weeks. I talked to the doctor about my circulation issues and when I am sitting/standing Delaney is cutting off my circulation and causing my legs to swell (how dare she!). He suggested keeping my feet up and laying down in the evenings, so we will give this a try...My belly was measuring slightly behind today at 35.5 weeks, which he said is normal for me because I am all baby belly. I had my group b strep test and I was on my way. I only had to wait ten minutes past my appointment time to see him today, I believe it is a record! Jeff was also able to join the appointment since it was downtown. Other than the swelling everything is great!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Swollen feet......

Well the "pregnancy woes" have hit and my feet and ankles aka "cankles" have begun to show. I decided to post a picture of what have so far been the worst. This is from Friday night after I had been home for a few hours keeping them iced and elevated. Very cute! I don't know what caused them as I was not on my feet very much that day and they just all of a sudden appeared.

On Saturday, I was able to indulge in a prenatal massage at the Floating Feather day spa courtesy of Colliers International. It was wonderful. As a treat to my friend Allison for throwing my shower and for her birthday, I decided to invite her to join me. We had a great time getting pampered and we went and did a little shopping afterward.

My Grandma and Grandpa Heldt arrive in Boise tomorrow to stay for a week while my aunt and uncle enjoy a vacation, so it will be nice to see them while they are here. I will post more soon....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Baby Shower 2-23-08.......

Delaney's baby shower was last Saturday and she got lots of great stuff!! Everyone was very generous and it was great to see lots of familiar faces...including that of my mom, Esther and my sister Mary who flew down to Boise from Seattle for the occasion. It was great to be surrounded by my family, Jeff's family, and our friends.....

On Sunday, Jeff and I went to Babies R Us and bought some of our "necessities" that we need when Delaney arrives. She is kicking and keeping me up at night and has the hiccups frequently during the days. While I am at work she loves to kick while I am trying to concentrate!

Her room is all set up with the exception of her chair we ordered, but that should be arriving soon....we hope!

Delaney will be having an eventful first few weeks.....Jeff has his PE exam on April 11th and our beloved Boise State Broncos will have their Spring Game later that evening...if the weather cooperates Delaney and I will make an appearance, but we will see. Last year it was almost too warm and the year before it rained!

Doctor Appointment 2-21-08.....

I had my 34 week check up today. Nothing big to report. Delaney's heartbeat was at 148 bph so still very strong. She is head down and running out of room. I was measuring at 34 weeks and I had gained 1/2 pound since my last appointment. So I have gained 10.5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I asked a bunch of general questions regarding my doctor's policy of what to when I go into labor and what happens afterward. Other than that, my weekly appointments will begin on Wednesday, March 5. I have my group b strep test also scheduled for that day.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Updated pictures.....

So I finally remembered to update the pictures today! These were just taken last night so they are brand new! Too bad the front one wasn't a close-up. The scar from where my belly button was pierced has grown and stretched. So what your parents tell you about piercings is true. They may be cute when you are younger, but give it 5-10 years and you will regret it. Hopefully it will go back down sometime after Delaney is born, but we will see. With 6 +/- weeks left to go, my belly is starting to feel heavy and I have become quite grumpy in the mornings (according to Jeff). My insomnia disappeared for a short while but has now returned again.

We have Delaney's room almost finished, we are just waiting on a chair we ordered in early January to be delivered (sometime soon hopefully) and we have a few things to add to the wall. I will post pictures soon (maybe without the chair for now). We are still (slowly) marking things off of our to do list. My friend Allison is throwing a baby shower for us next weekend that I am excited about and on Friday we have plans to attend my company's annual ski day up at Bogus Basin. So with today off and a short day Friday and a shower on Saturday, this is going to be a short but eventful week. Oh, I also have my next doctor appointment this Thursday! Check back then for details....

Friday, February 8, 2008

Doctor Appointment 2-7-08

I had my appointment yesterday. It was a long one-the wait that is. I waited for one and a half hours before I was seen for my 15 minutes. Why the long wait?? It is a long story, with a sad ending involving another patient so I won't go into details. Now about my appointment....I didn't gain ANY weight since my last visit, but my blood pressure was normal again (even after all the waiting).

I was able to mark three things off my to-do list Dr. Hodges presented me with the previous appointment: we attended childbirth preparation classes, sent in the pre-registration application to the hospital, and found a pediatrician (Dr. Archibald). So that was nice, now if we can only mark a few more off this weekend: packing the hospital bag, buy her going home outfit, finishing her room a little more, going out to a nice dinner, and spending some time together playing our new Wii.

At my last appointment Dr. Hodges warned me that this is the "not so fun" part of pregnancy. Meaning I will get uncomfortable, have trouble sleeping, horrible heart burn, etc. For the most part it is still quite enjoyable except that I have now had heartburn (a first ever) and acid reflux is becoming a problem. But the good news is her heartbeat is still strong and she is still in the birthing position (head down), so that made me feel better.

I have also been able to see her moving more inside. It is amazing to lay on the couch and watch her move my entire belly about! I will post a new picture this weekend!

My next appointment is scheduled for: Thursday, February 21.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

32 weeks......

Well we have made it 32 weeks and it is really going by fast. I cannot believe she will be here very soon. I don't feel like I gained much weight for my doctor appointment tomorrow, but it says I should be gaining a pound a week right now and 1/2 of it goes directly to Delaney. We have her bedroom almost finished thanks to Grandma Johnson (my mom) and Uncle Andy who sent a beautiful light fixture to add to her room. We installed a dimmer last weekend and we should be receiving our chair we ordered any day now.

I am beginning to have quite a few contractions (Braxton Hicks) lately, but that is normal. I will post more tomorrow after my appointment.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Dr. Appt on January 25, 2008......

I had my first every two weeks doctor appointment yesterday afternoon. Boy was the office busy, I waited over an hour patiently to see my doctor after this rude couple decided to show up ten minutes late for their ultrasound...the nerve! Dr. Hodges measured my belly again and it is right on schedule, on the small side of course. But he was pleased to find that had gained 4.5 pounds in the last two weeks (cannot say I felt the same). So now I have hit 10 pounds gained! Yikes! My blood pressure was also abnormally high yesterday, so I need to watch my stress levels, but it is hard to do when you are waiting and it starts snowing outside and you just want to go home. My belly is starting to become heavy and I can feel Delaney moving constantly now. According to my email updates she is supposed to be developing sleep patterns right now, but that is not the case.

We started our childbirth preparation classes on Wednesday and that was interesting. Just listening to other couples talk about their pregnancies and to hear how many of them were unplanned. Last week we had a baby care class where they taught basic care and we got to ask a pediatrician questions. Jeff really liked him, so we are going to schedule a consultation shortly with him to see about having him as Delaney's doctor. We also are looking at daycares right now, which is no easy task we have found. In Idaho there is a 4:1 ratio of infants to caregiver and not many are currently accepting infants at the moment-thank goodness we don't live in a bigger city!

Well that is pretty much it for now! My friends Allison, Shannon, and Laila are planning a baby shower for us on February 23rd, so we are looking forward to that and my next doctor appointment is scheduled for February 7th!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Almost 29 weeks!

I had my one hour glucose test yesterday. It wasn't nearly as bad as everyone told me, the sugary "glucola" sent Delaney's heart racing faster than I had heard it before. I will get my results next week, hopefully I passed.

I have gained 5 1/2 pounds as of yesterday, so everything is going well. I also got my belly measured for the first time and it is right on schedule for March 28 my new EDD calculation.
After our appointment, Jeff and I went and ordered a glider chair for the nursery, so now we have somewhere to read her bedtime stories.

Last night, Jeff and his friend Nathan went and bought all their supplies to put our new flooring down in the house, which I cannot wait to see completed. Tonight we head back to Seattle for the weekend to visit my family and have a Seattle family graduation party that my Aunt and Uncle are throwing for me tomorrow.

Well now the exciting part begins and I have my next four appointments scheduled every two weeks. After those, the weekly ones begin! We are now in the homestretch!

Friday, January 4, 2008

27, almost 28 weeks......

Well it is getting closer and closer. I cannot believe how fast this is going by. We have made a little more progress on getting her room set up. And a name, we have finally chosen her name!
She is.......Delaney Reese!! My tummy is really starting to round, yet my belly button has not popped out yet. I will post a new picture this weekend, as I believe there will be quite a difference from the last picture. I have my one hour glucose test next Thursday (not looking forward to this) and then Friday we head to Seattle to see my family one last time before she makes her arrival.