Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First Doctor Appointment....

Delaney had her first doctor appointment yesterday for her one week baby wellness check-up. Her jaundice is gone, but she has lost two ounces. So we need to get some weight on her before her next visit-Friday, April 4th for her two week (yes both appointments in one week). She will have her PKU follow-up at that time.

She has had a few fussy moments in during the nights. I have found that I cannot eat spaghetti sauce or anything heavy on tomato sauce since it seems to upset her tummy. Other than that, nothing new to report. Everything else is going well.

I talked to her doctor and he said to wait until she is at least one month to travel. So everyone back home will need to wait at least a few more weeks until she is okay to travel. Hope all is well with everyone else. I will write more soon.....

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