Sunday, September 19, 2010

Steam Locomotive!

The Union Pacific Steam Locomotive #844. The last one to be built for Union Pacific came into Nampa. Since Papa Dave works for Union Pacific, we went out to see it. Delaney loves trains so she was very excited to see Papa's choo-choo!

Back from Washington D.C.

Jeff and I went to Washington D.C. to see Boise State take on Virginia Tech at FedEx Field, home of the Washington Redskins. We took in all the sights and ate some great food, but nothing compared to the win over Virginia Tech! Final score was 33-30! We had great seats-we sat with the players and coaches families and were only four rows up from the field!
It was also my first trip away from Delaney-a whole week! She stayed behind with Grandma Nancy and Papa Dave. She did fine, and so did I!

Tony and Mary Pislaan.

We were in Seattle the weekend of August 28th to watch Mary and Tony get married. I was a bridesmaid and Delaney was the flower girl. She did really well until we got under the gazebo for the wedding. She told us she "had to go poopy". So embarassing, Jeff came up and took her away. of course she didn't need to go...
It was a beautiful wedding and it was great to see old faces-Heather Halsey from the neighborhood, Jeremy Walked-Andy's BFF since Preschool, and Mary's friends from high school. It was a great weekend and beautiful weather!