Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Holidays!

The holidays were super busy for all of us...the football season winding down. We made it out to four games this season (with both kids). They had lots of fun, especially Delaney! She loves getting to see of all her "tailgating" friends-Ava, Kaia, and Kaitlin. Thanksgiving was spent at Jeff's parents as was Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We were so busy at the end of the year with work, I could not take any time off and Jeff went to the bowl game in Las Vegas with our Broncos! We beat the UW Huskies!! Hopefully we can repeat that in Seattle next August. Delaney is back in ballet and tap again this year and she really enjoys it. They are in the process of ordering her costume for the recital in May. She also continues to take music classes each week with the Boise Philharmonic "Musical Kids" program. Last week, we submitted an application to the Nampa School District to enroll Delaney in Kindergarten at Owyhee Elementary in Nampa. It is not the school is scheduled to attend, but we are crossing our fingers that she will be accepted there! Kellen is getting so big! He is cooing, "talking", rolling over on both sides, "scooting" around (especially in his crib). He likes red toys the most, for some reason that color really catches his eye. Delaney and Kellen continue to play well together, Delaney always wants to help feed him and hold him, they play together all of the time! Hopefully I will have more time to update this more often...I have also posted some pictures over the last couple of months. Enjoy!

Kellen - 4 Months!

Kellen had his 4 month well child check in on November 28, 2012 At 4 Months: 11/28/2012 Weight: 12.3 lbs (5%) Height: 25 inches (52%) Head: 16 (12%) At 2 Months: 10/09/2012 Weight: 12.6 lbs (49%) Height: 23 3/4 inches (64%) Head: 12 1/2 (22%) As you can tell Kellen actually lost weight since his two month appointment. He will be "officially" diagnosed with "failure to thrive" if he has not gained any weight...Our goal over the next two months is to feed him on demand more often (when we are together), give him one extra 5 oz bottle at daycare each day, and he allowed me to begin rice cereal at 4 months, and begin introducing more solid "baby food" at 5 months. Since I am writing this so late, he has tried rice cereal, peaches, peas, and now pears. Next up are prunes and sweet potatoes...