Saturday, September 27, 2008

Headed to Sea-Town....

Delaney and I are headed off to Seattle next weekend. We are going to make a family visit and we are throwing my brother Andy and his wife Heidi a baby shower. Their baby Landon is due in January. We are so excited for them and wish them the best. We will see everyone soon!

6 Month Well Baby Visit!

Delaney had her six month well baby visit on Friday. She got her DTap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis), Polio, Hep B, Prevnar (Pneumococcal), Rota Tep (Rotavirus), Hib, and Flu #1 shots. My goodness there are so many when you list them out!

Here are her latest stats:
Weight: 14 lbs. 12 oz. (25th percentile)
Length: 24 1/2 inches (10th percentile)
Head: 41.5 cm (25th percentile)

She is obviously short, which we hear from everyone. But look at Jeff and I? Did anyone really think she was going to be tall? She is destined to be little! Her doctor said she is perfect, but we already knew that. She is beginning to do things earlier than normal, some of her motor and developmental skills are that of a 9 month old. So apparently she is pretty smart, I will take smart over tall any day!

She spent Saturday sleeping the day away. She is normally not a napper, but she was only awake for about four hours throughout the day. So we did not get a lot of playing in...maybe tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Such a big girl....

Delaney got a high chair this last weekend. Her bottom was beginning to be a little snug in her Bumbo and she loves to eat her solid foods, so it was inevitable that she would get one soon. She loves it.

You voted....we answered!

So we had many votes for Delaney's First Halloween Costume! Thank you to everyone who voted. We chose a lady bug! Pictures will be coming soon!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Two Firsts!

Delaney had two firsts this last weekend.
#1: She attended her very first Bronco football game and watched the Broncos reign victorious over the Idaho State Bengals. Final Score:49-7
We enjoyed tailgating and made it all the way until 1/2 time. This was a little over bedtime and she was tired!
#2: Delaney and I were running errands on Monday, when we returned and I pulled her out of the car seat she was very hot. She sometimes gets a little warm in there, so I put her in the crib for a nap since she was sleepy. When she woke, she was burning up. We took her temperature and sure enough she was running a fever. Her temperature was 102.8. Since she never had a temperature that high, we called the after hours/holiday nurse at our pedi's office. Apparently she had a "low grade" fever. So we gave her tylenol and waited for the fever to break. Finally around 2:30 AM it did. She woke up soaked. I got her comfortable again and put her to sleep.
Such a long Labor Day Weekend!