Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Two Firsts!

Delaney had two firsts this last weekend.
#1: She attended her very first Bronco football game and watched the Broncos reign victorious over the Idaho State Bengals. Final Score:49-7
We enjoyed tailgating and made it all the way until 1/2 time. This was a little over bedtime and she was tired!
#2: Delaney and I were running errands on Monday, when we returned and I pulled her out of the car seat she was very hot. She sometimes gets a little warm in there, so I put her in the crib for a nap since she was sleepy. When she woke, she was burning up. We took her temperature and sure enough she was running a fever. Her temperature was 102.8. Since she never had a temperature that high, we called the after hours/holiday nurse at our pedi's office. Apparently she had a "low grade" fever. So we gave her tylenol and waited for the fever to break. Finally around 2:30 AM it did. She woke up soaked. I got her comfortable again and put her to sleep.
Such a long Labor Day Weekend!

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