Monday, December 17, 2007

24-25 weeks.....

We had an appointment last Thursday. I have gained two more pounds (my goal) and now have totaled almost three pounds. Dr. Hodges gave me an ultrasound (since the machine happened to be there) and we got to see the baby was no longer breach. However the baby must have changed its mind because I can feel it is now breach again judging from the kicks and where they are centered. The baby is very active now and is rolling around and kicking, etc. Lyla Belle loves to lay on my belly and feel the baby move around and if you know Lyla that is definitely not her thing to do! Other than that the doctor says I look great and the pregnancy is "perfect". I think I am going to start trying to rebuild "some" of the muscle tone I lost when I was sick and get my strength back, especially when I am going to be doing a lot of lifting soon.

Oh yeah, the crib and changing table are now up, we just need to do a little decorating here and there and the room will be complete. Next post will be after Christmas and I will post a few name choices to take opinions!

Oh congratulations to my dear friend Allison-she just found out Friday that she is going to be having Baby Boy #3! Congrats Allison and Victor (Connor and Zachery)!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Try this link.....

This link should take you to YouTube where the videos were uploaded. The heartbeat does not include sound, but it is fun to see how fast it goes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Two great links.....

I went through the CD the Dr. gave and have posted two great videos. One of the babies heartbeat, which unfortunately the sound isn't working, but you can see how fast it beats. The second is of the baby playing hide and seek during the ultrasound.

An update......the baby now kicks like crazy. During take off and landing of our flight to/from Hawaii the baby was fluttering around the entire time. I feel so much movement it is wonderful to lie awake and feel every kick and squirm. Jeff finally got to feel the baby move and kick last Thursday and he could not believe the movement. We have an active baby on our hands!

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Big Appointment!

So we had our 20 week fetal scan today. So much fun. We found out what we were having after some major coaxing to get the baby to cooperate. "It" is breach and had it's legs crossed. My placenta is in front and is absorbing most of the kicking, thank goodness because during the ultrasound it was kicking my bladder beyond belief. The technician could not believe how much movement we encountered. We got to watch "it" suck it thumb, open it's mouth to yawn, and got a great look of it's face. It was absolutely beautiful. Everything is forming wonderfully and all of the vital organs look good and healthy, which was the most important and puts my fears to rest. We got a CD full of tons of pictures and lots of pictures to keep. There are some amazing ones of the feet and face. It was an amazing day!

Monday, November 12, 2007

20 weeks....

We have reached the halfway point. I began to feel a little movement yesterday in my belly finally! The little flutters have begun. I stayed awake almost all night feeling them and would wake Jeff every few minutes to check them out...unfortunately the baby would not cooperate. I am having an upside down pregnancy. I had to wear maternity pants at 6 weeks, now at 20 weeks, I am back into my regular clothes again. Huh? Very weird!

This Friday we find out if it is a little boy or girl, but everyone will have to wait. We are not going to tell until Christmas! By then we hopefully will have decided on a name, because as of right now, there are a few front runners, but nothing we can decide on. I will post a little recap of the appointment and maybe the ultrasound. An updated belly photo will also pop up in the next week or two, but there isn't much to see!

Next week........Hawaii aka Heaven!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 30th Dr. Appointment.....

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I have almost gained a whole pound now! Dr. Hodges gave me a high five when his nurse reported the gain. He has a feeling I am going to be on the low-end of gaining weight, unless I really pack on the pounds in the last three months. He let me listen to the heartbeat and we found the placenta is facing outward of my belly so that is preventing me from feeling any movement at this point and it may cause issues when trying to do the fetal scan in a few weeks, so hopefully it will move a little bit at that point, if not we will have to wait a little longer and try again. Other than that everything else is good, the heartbeat is still fast and strong.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

17 Weeks!

Gosh, the whole pregnancy is going by so fast. I have a hard time keeping up with this. My pregnancy journal is still in it's original packaging, I need to get a move on! I am taking a baby sign language class tonight through one of our local hospitals, but I don't know if we will do it. I am using it for my final senior paper.

Upcoming events: I have a doctor's appointment Tuesday, October 30, just for an exam, nothing exciting. It will be the first appt Jeff will miss.

We scheduled our "big" ultrasound for November 16. We get to see what the baby looks like and what the sex very exciting. But we haven't decided if we will tell everyone then, or wait until Christmas and announce it.

And yes, I promise to post a picture of my belly very soon, maybe I will take another one since the last one was two weeks ago, so much is changing.....

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

September 28th Appointment.....

We met with our doctor today, and we got to listen to the heartbeat. We could not believe how fast it was compared to my heartbeat. The doctor said everything looks good and healthy. I have another appointment at the end of the month and we should find out the sex of the baby then or at another appointment soon after. I am 15 weeks now and they usually tell the sex between 16-20. So hopefully it will be very soon.

Friday, September 21, 2007

No big news.....

Well I haven't seen the doctor since my last appointment, so I don't have any big news to report. I think that my "morning" sickness is subsiding, so that has been helpful. I am starting to get a little belly that is more baby than bloat finally! So I will post a picture of it soon. My next doctor appointment is Friday, September 28th. So hopefully they will schedule our "big" ultrasound at that appointment. The suspense is killing us!

Friday, August 31, 2007

9th Week Appointment.

Today we had our nine week appointment. We were supposed to meet our new doctor, but he had to rush out for an unexpected surgery. We will now meet him (Dr. Hodges) at the end of September when we have our next appointment. We had another ultrasound today (our third) and the baby is looking good. It was upside down, with a strong heartbeat at 165 and is looking more like a baby every week. I have still been sick, but the nurse suggested taking more vitamins to see if it helps, if not they will write a prescription for something to help. That is all to report for now. Football season began last night, so we went to the game. Lots of fun!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Week 8.

I spoke too soon. The "morning" sickness began after my post on Tuesday. I got sick late in the evening. It comes and goes, nothing too bad. Sunday was not very fun, but I feel good this week. I am still tired and adjusting to my new bedtime of 8 pm. With my new promotion, I work nice and early, so the early bedtime has been great. This week the baby is the size of a raspberry and everything continues to grow. We ordered a DVD to show our extended families to announce the pregnancy yesterday and have a little keepsake for the future. Two friends previewed it and loved it. Football season begins next week, as does school. So between baby, promotion at work, school, and football games the next few months will fly by and be very busy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Second Dr. Appt.

We had our second doctor appointment today and everything went great. The heartbeat registered between 165-170 beats per minute. Which meant that it doubled since the last appointment which is great. The "blueberry" (it is the size of a blueberry this week) is developing it's organs, eyes, and arms and legs are beginning to form. How exciting! I will post two ultrasound pictures tomorrow. Jeff has begun taking pictures of my expanding waistline. I am already growing out of my clothes, I ordered some maternity pants that feel great, so I will in those soon. Which for my short waist and size is normal according to the doctor. I feel great, but tired at times. Thanks everyone for your support the last week! It is very much appreciated.

Friday, August 10, 2007

We spilled.....

Okay, so we tried to hide it and couldn't. We were too excited and we told our parents last Sunday, August 5. They are all so excited! Both sets are going to be grandparents for the first time!

First Dr. Appt.

We had our first doctor appt. on Tuesday, August 7. They dated the pregnancy at 6 weeks and 2 days. We also had an ultrasound and that dated the pregnancy at 5 weeks and 5 days. We got to see the little bean and it's living quarters for the next nine (eight now) months. They heartbeat registered at 70 bpm, pretty low according to the doctor who would have liked to see it at 100 or above. But it may have just started to beat, and needs a jump-start. We have another appt. and ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday, August 13.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

We caved....

Jeff told someone and I told someone. But luckily they won't be able to tell anyone what they know. Thanks Deann for keeping a secret.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Big News......

We just found out this morning that we are expecting a baby! We are so excited that it happened so quickly. Jeff was so surprised. We are waiting a little while until we tell people, but we are nonetheless excited.