Friday, January 11, 2008

Almost 29 weeks!

I had my one hour glucose test yesterday. It wasn't nearly as bad as everyone told me, the sugary "glucola" sent Delaney's heart racing faster than I had heard it before. I will get my results next week, hopefully I passed.

I have gained 5 1/2 pounds as of yesterday, so everything is going well. I also got my belly measured for the first time and it is right on schedule for March 28 my new EDD calculation.
After our appointment, Jeff and I went and ordered a glider chair for the nursery, so now we have somewhere to read her bedtime stories.

Last night, Jeff and his friend Nathan went and bought all their supplies to put our new flooring down in the house, which I cannot wait to see completed. Tonight we head back to Seattle for the weekend to visit my family and have a Seattle family graduation party that my Aunt and Uncle are throwing for me tomorrow.

Well now the exciting part begins and I have my next four appointments scheduled every two weeks. After those, the weekly ones begin! We are now in the homestretch!

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