Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We're home......

We are finally home from the hospital. For those that do not know already, here are her stats:

Delaney Reese Ward
4:50 pm 3/23/08
7 lbs. 0 oz.
20 1/2 inches

I went into labor Saturday night around 8 pm with contractions coming about every 15 minutes. Then it sped up to every 7 minutes by 2 am. I called the doctor and let him know. We stayed at home for about another 1 1/2 and decided to head to the hospital. We got into the hospital and got checked in and everything and I was at 5 cm. Since I didn't post Friday after my doctor appointment, I was at 2 cm and 80% effaced Friday morning. Since some can stay there for awhile, I didn't think anything of it.

Back to the labor. I got an epidural around 6 am since I was experiencing back labor and it was getting worse, not to mention I had been awake almost 24 hours at that point and was getting tired. Then I was able to sleep at 2 1/2 hours which was great. Labor started slowing down so I was given Pitocin to help speed things up. I started pushing around 2 pm and wasn't progressing very much. Dr. Hodges came in and we tried some different things to get help progress things along because I was getting very tired. We finally got things going around 4 pm and then she was born!

She is absolutely beautiful and everyone says she looks like Jeff. I posted some pictures on the blog and will post some more on Shutterfly sometime this week, so let me know if you want to be sent those.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to see us at the hospital. We will keep everyone updated....

Love to you all,

Jeff, Rebekah, Delaney (Weiland and Lyla too!)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dr. Appointment 3-12-08......

I went to the doctor today. Nothing much happened. Delaney's heartbeat went down a little, which is normal for this time of pregnancy. She is really messing with my circulation and causing not only my feet to swell but a numbness in my hands and arms, especially my right hand and fingers which makes it a little hard to write and type but I am getting by. I am becoming more and more tired everyday, but heading to bed a little earlier has been a blessing. I don't know what I would do if I was still working late nights and on my feet all day working retail that is for sure.

On Wednesday, a friend of ours also took us out and about downtown Boise for a few pictures which was fun. We hadn't really had our picture taken together since our wedding and that was awhile ago now. She will also took some of Delaney once she arrives.

That's about it otherwise I am just stocking up on things we will need once she is here and "nesting" around the house. My next doctor appointment is: Friday, March 21st. By then I should have another belly picture up...hopefully.......

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5th Dr. Appt.....

My weekly doctor appointments began today. This means the home stretch has begun. I had a gain of almost 5 pounds (up 15.5 pounds total) so I had a nice gain over the last two weeks. I talked to the doctor about my circulation issues and when I am sitting/standing Delaney is cutting off my circulation and causing my legs to swell (how dare she!). He suggested keeping my feet up and laying down in the evenings, so we will give this a try...My belly was measuring slightly behind today at 35.5 weeks, which he said is normal for me because I am all baby belly. I had my group b strep test and I was on my way. I only had to wait ten minutes past my appointment time to see him today, I believe it is a record! Jeff was also able to join the appointment since it was downtown. Other than the swelling everything is great!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Swollen feet......

Well the "pregnancy woes" have hit and my feet and ankles aka "cankles" have begun to show. I decided to post a picture of what have so far been the worst. This is from Friday night after I had been home for a few hours keeping them iced and elevated. Very cute! I don't know what caused them as I was not on my feet very much that day and they just all of a sudden appeared.

On Saturday, I was able to indulge in a prenatal massage at the Floating Feather day spa courtesy of Colliers International. It was wonderful. As a treat to my friend Allison for throwing my shower and for her birthday, I decided to invite her to join me. We had a great time getting pampered and we went and did a little shopping afterward.

My Grandma and Grandpa Heldt arrive in Boise tomorrow to stay for a week while my aunt and uncle enjoy a vacation, so it will be nice to see them while they are here. I will post more soon....