Monday, April 9, 2012

Four Year Well-Child Check-in!

Here are her results from Delaney's Four Year Well-Child Check-in:

Weight: 32 lbs (25th percentile)
Height: 37 inches (5th percentile)

At Three Years:
Weight: 28 lbs. (25th percentile)
Height: 34 1/2 inches (5th percentile)

At Two Years:
Weight: 23.9 lbs (10th percentile)
Length: 32 inches (10th percentile)
Head: 47 1/2 cm (25-50 percentile)

Everything looks great! She is On/Above Target on any developmental tests and she received FOUR vaccines this trip...she is now covered for vaccines (minus her annual flu shot/mist) until she turns 11. Jeff's mom, Nancy held her while she received her "pokes" and she was good to go!

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