We had an appointment last Thursday. I have gained two more pounds (my goal) and now have totaled almost three pounds. Dr. Hodges gave me an ultrasound (since the machine happened to be there) and we got to see the baby was no longer breach. However the baby must have changed its mind because I can feel it is now breach again judging from the kicks and where they are centered. The baby is very active now and is rolling around and kicking, etc. Lyla Belle loves to lay on my belly and feel the baby move around and if you know Lyla that is definitely not her thing to do! Other than that the doctor says I look great and the pregnancy is "perfect". I think I am going to start trying to rebuild "some" of the muscle tone I lost when I was sick and get my strength back, especially when I am going to be doing a lot of lifting soon.
Oh yeah, the crib and changing table are now up, we just need to do a little decorating here and there and the room will be complete. Next post will be after Christmas and I will post a few name choices to take opinions!
Oh congratulations to my dear friend Allison-she just found out Friday that she is going to be having Baby Boy #3! Congrats Allison and Victor (Connor and Zachery)!!!
10 years ago